Are the video games your friends play affecting you?

The large majority of research on violent video games focuses on the impacts of the user -- the individual who is actually playing the game. Does playing violent video games make you more aggressive? Does doing so make you more likely to commit violent crimes? What's the connection? The long-standing debate over whether violent video game exposure can lead to violence in the real-world rages onward as some scientific research shows clear links between the two forms of violence and other research demonstrates weak, inconsistent, or nonexistent links. Are violent video games good, bad, or irrelevant? Today's article focuses not so much on the individual who is actually playing violent video games but on the friends (and social network) of that individual. Do friends suffer consequences of their friends' choices to play violent video games? Let's Take a Look.... Today's Article Greitemeyer, T. (2018). The spreading impact of playing violen...